Espace presse

A Security Council Resolution to condemn Human Trafficking in Conflict Zones

The Security Council has just adopted a resolution which strongly and unanimously condemns human trafficking with purposes of sexual slavery, exploitation and forced labor in conflict zones. As the Fondation Scelles highlighted it in its 4th Global Report, the I.S. entity exercises, towards certain ethnic minorities (particularly Yezidi girls and women), a form of organized and deliberate sexual slavery which addresses strategic, ideological and financial aims. It has become most urgent to implement everything likely to put an end to these practices and condemn their perpetrators.



PROSTITUTION : A worrying answer from the British government

After the report published last July by the Home Affairs Select Committee, , the British government gives their position on the considered legal evolutions relating to the prostitution in the kingdom. A few positive points but some dangerous orientations.




Pourquoi une LOI PROSTITUTION en France ? => Les #8 points clés de la loi

Quels sont les apports de la loi du 13 avril 2016 contre le système prostitutionnel ? 1. Protéger et accompagner les victimes ; 2. Poursuivre et sanctionner les auteurs ; 3. Prévenir et sensibiliser les citoyens.

 >>> Cliquer sur l'image pour voir les 8 points

la loi prostitution expliquée en 8 points


END CHILD PROSTITUTION : the Fondation Scelles supports the 30 year-old-combat by the ACPE: “Acting against child prostitution”

Yves Charpenel, the Fondation Scelles President and State Prosecutor at the Supreme Court, was invited in the frame of the symposium “End child prostitution in France” which was organized by the ACPE and its President Armelle Le Bigot-Macaux on November 29th 2016 to celebrate the association’s 30th anniversary. He will talk about the tasks of justice and police in the domains of child welfare, prevention of risky situations and repression of exploiters, pimps, networks and clients.

 colloque ACPE : stop à la prostitution des mineurs


End violence against women= Say “no” to prostitution

In the frame of the international day for the fight against violence to women, the Fondation Scelles is a partner to the meeting this Friday November 25th 2016 at, organized by the Pontoise Court on the theme: “France is an abolitionist country”.

By the side of Gwenola Joly-Coz, the President of the Pontoise Court of first instance in civil and criminal matters, Yves Jannier, the State Counsel, Hélène de Rugy, the main Delegate for the Amicale du Nid and Rosen Hicher, the co-founder of the Mouvement des survivantes in France, Yves Charpenel, the Fondation Scelles President and State Prosecutor at the Supreme Court, will present the current and future stakes of the combat against prostitution in France and all over the world; he will also recall how urgent it is for all countries to put an end to prostitution which is an extreme violent damage to women and a serious breach of human rights.




tweets by Fond_Scelles

The Scelles Foundation in the press

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